Friday, July 31, 2015

Life is an adventure: Mommy potty training fail...

At 18 months my little was almost completely potty trained. It was wonderful! Then something happened and we have spent the last 18 months trying to get her back to being fully potty trained. Well we have tried everything from taking away diapers and putting her in “big girl panties”, bribes, and a few other mommy tips and tricks. Nothing has been avail.

Well recently we went on a family trip to San Diego. She was doing well. Making pee in the potty and even trying to poop. Can I say I was thrilled! Except apparently she was just showing off for me… We left her with my mom (whom btw is my Aunt) and she crapped her pants. I do not mean she had a little sneak attack, she blew throw the panties and we had to throw them away. (Double bag style) I tried to show her how disappointed I was, but it did not faze her for more than 30 seconds. The next day same thing, but I wanted to try to save the panties.

Mind you I have a super weak stomach, so when I say I wanted to save the panties I mean I wanted my hubby to go clean them because he can handle stink smells like that.

Well, hubby didn’t want to do it. So I am in the bathroom cleaning these panties throwing up.
Hubby comes in and goes oh I would have done it…
*steaming at this point*
Please, just leave me alone.

(Please picture this: I am bent over the Jacuzzi tub rinsing these Minnie mouse panties out. Using Green Tea shampoo, which has a very strong mint aroma, to wash these panties out and puking. While my hubby stands at the doorway staring at me.)
I think my little even came to say sorry…
Now a week ago I was very upset, but today I am laughing. Did I really want to make a point that bad? Of course because most days I only see the small picture…That in the moment picture…

What is your worst potty training moment?

Stay tuned for more funny...


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Life is an adventure: Marriage thoughts vs. Marriage reality

How I thought marriage would go: 
I always assumed (haha you know what they say about assuming don’t you?) that my marriage would be something along the lines of P.S. I love you (without the death) or The Note Book. Possibly, Run Away Bride!  I know: how clichĂ©, those movies are so over played, that doesn’t happen in real life, gibberish gibberish gibberish .
Well let me tell you!!! I am not hopeless romantic, like at all, I am very proud that I can list those three movies.

 It takes a huge effort for me to plan a special date. In fact I start planning 2-3 months in advance because I am just not into things like that and I am just not good at it. *I am honestly very awkward* I have alarms set on my phone for our anniversaries. I even have to double check with my husband to make sure we got married May 6th.

I am perfectly okay with sitting at home eating cereal in my onsies PJ’s and watching Netflix or renting a Redbox and calling it a date.

So my life was going to be like Julia Roberts movie with a twist of Vanityfair; something along the lines of Carry from Sex in the City, living in Manhattan.
I am sitting at a charity, wearing a dress with countless sparkles, my girls and I look over and BAM tall dark and handsome is standing over there staring at me. He walks over and tells me some stupid joke, and the rest is history.

*See this is an idea that I probably concocted before I even know it. As a little girl I grew up watching The Little Mermaid and Cinderella on repeat. I was going to face some big monster and marry someone who would take me away to a castle. SIMPLE AS THAT*

Reality of marriage:

See because I had such this fantasy of what my marriage would look like it started a family joke.
Jamie you collect engagement rings like Jonni (my birth mother) collects ex husbands.
Just an FYI for people who know Jonni, she made up this joke.

I met my husband at the worst moment in my life. I was going through some sort of party all the time break down.
My brother was just killed, my fiancĂ© cheated on me while I was at the funeral, and I was done trying to be strong for everyone. Including myself…
So if you ask my husband, he would tell you the first day we met he knew, but not right away. 
As my drunken self, first met the hubby I got really excited and was like WOW you smell really good.
He was kind of stuck up and like oh cool.
He’ll tell you he thought I was skanky because the crowd of people I was hanging out with. Even though I was only there because there was free alcohol...  
It wasn’t until later that night when I was trying to go to bed that some sleazy jerk face tried to take advantage of the poor overly drunk girl, ME.
Well let me tell you, that was NOT going down, and it didn’t. I punched him in the face and kicked him off the bed and he took of crying. Hubby saw the whole thing and the rest is our story.

What are your first moments with your significant other?
Did you know?

Stay tuned for more funny...


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Life is an adventure: Things they dont prepare you for.. Mom style

They day i turned 23 is the day I got pregnant! Yeppers, on my birthday. One heck of a birthday gift from my then boyfriend, now hubby.

If you read my first blog post on " Life is an adventure, come take a walk with me." you would know that I got married at 8 months pregnant. Something you might not know is that two things stand out from that day... 

1. I forgot to invite my brother Mike and his wife Linda, who was due that month...
We got married May 6th and they had their little girl two weeks later.
Yeah that conversation went something like this.
Mom "Jamie where is your brother?"
Jamie "Yummm, yeah let me call him."

Jamie, " Hey Mickey, whacha doing?"
Mike, "Nothing sitting at home, whats up?"
Jamie, "So I am getting married."
Mike, "Thats great, when?"
Jamie, " As soon as you can get here."
Mike, "Well let me get Linda."

Mind you, Linda was at her, I am going to get my first massage ever before I go into labor.

Yes, they made it.

2. There was sweat dripping off my butt.

I am always cold. It is 100 degrees out side right now and I am curled up with a hiding from the AC, that my husband HAS to have on... 

They DO NOT prepare you for HOW hot you are always going to feel being pregers. 
They DO NOT prepare you for how things can go wrong in the delivery room. I was in labor for 36 hours and had to have an emergency c-section. I was devastated and my birthing plan went out the window. 
They DO NOT prepare you for things like the BABY (aka tiny noise maker) is going to POOP on you or how it will be the first time you've been out of the house since tiny noise maker came along.

They tell you, but they do not prepare you for what joy and love you will experience with your baby.

What is your mommy OMGosh they didnt prepare me for this moment?

Stay tuned for more funny...


Like an adventure: oh no talking politics

So this may be a complete Arizona thing but there is a lot of discussion about Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

He's been the sheriff for many years as well as having some very controversy regulations that you put into place. He actually thinks that when people are serving time that they should be serving time I'm not getting special treatment which I respect. Don't in recent years he's gotten a little edgy. Today there is a discussion about his next term in elections against somebody, I don't even know his name!

Truth is honestly should probably be a little bit more involved, but I'm not... something my adult self is working on!

And if I'm a hundred percent honest the only thing that I remembered your plan about I was probably 12 or 13 and my real father James was intensity and he had to wear pink underwear but when he got out he gave me these postcards and told me to see them because one day with it would be worth a lot of money and the only thing I could think of was this man might be crazy.

For anybody that is familiar and any sense of Sheriff Joe Arpaio what are your thoughts?

Stay tuned for more funny,


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Life is an adventure: Worst Photographer Experience

I am in hundreds of photography groups. I subscribe to Photoshop magazine, I watch countless hours on youtube, I am 3 days from needing PA (Photography anonymous). Ask my hubby, I have got some serious issues with photography. Not just editing, but other photographers like, Mackie Jean Photography, Gavin Phillips, Kelly Brown and so many more....  It is my dream job and I hope to move from doing it part time to doing it full time, very soon!! Fingers crossed...

I have got to work with all kinds of people. Some I adore and others it was an experience. 

One time I did a photo shoot for a "Model" that was not quite the model I was thinking of. 
Lets just say she was more of the, You Must be 18 + to enter this website, type of model. 

Let me tell you I never hit the door so fast. I do not think my equipment could have even touched the ground before I was home. The worst part was her aspiring "model friend" was a stripper. Yeah things got worse.... 

Lets say that was a learning experience. 

I made a list when I got home:

Things to ask "models"
1. What are the photos being used for?
2. Oh you have a website? Please ,can you send me a link to view other work that you've done in the past?
3. What do you want to take away from this photo-shoot? 

Also, I do not do any work that can be classified as "nude art."
I am just not good at it. I get embarrassed about myself and I just do not feel that is what God wants me to do. 

I love taking photos of families and moments they share together. That is what makes me truly happy. 

PLEASE share your "worst photography experience"!!! Love to hear them! 

Stay tuned for more funny...


Monday, July 27, 2015

Life is fun... Life is stressful..

So I am easily caught up in a whirl wind of excitement. I often see the small picture that looks good in retrospect vs. the whole picture and everything I am going to need to do to achieve my dreams or goals.

Kind of like the time I was like OMGosh I need to get married because I am 8 months pregnant and I will just redo the wedding in a year and everyone will come and it is this lavish wedding. Fast forward 3 years and that has still yet to be on the top of priorities... Strange how life plays out. Do not get me wrong I still plan on having a "big wedding" but it wont be lavish. The invitation might read something like, Pot Luck Wedding", "BYOB", and "Free Water for EVERYONE."
*Mostly joking*

Now as I move forward in my "adult" life I have learned a thing or two... Like yeah I love that SUV but do I really need it? You know because I haul horses and kids around all day, NOT.
Not to mention that if something breaks I am buying Mopar parts...
 Hm, yes  I'll take a Mercedes in my Jeep, please. 
It is kind of like going to Burger King and asking for a big mac. For people who are unfamiliar with the car its self. 

I really do like my Jeep though. Don't get me wrong, I just wish I had done a little more research and been a little bit more economically friendly to my budget because I have learned I really do not mind that 8 year old Honda. <3

In fact we just had to buy my husband a "new to us" car. Our old Honda had been ridden to its last give. In fact I am shocked that they took it as a trade in... It was literally about to blow up, you would have seen my husband on the 5 o'clock news with the news anchors talking about "Man that Arizona heat really takes a hit on your vehicles." Not knowing that it had well over 200,000 miles on it, and its last tire turns where about 10,000 mikes ago. No joke, thank God and his good graces! I do not know what we would have done if it had blown up.

I know I am not the only one, but I hope laughing at my life is a little easier for you.
I know I got a kick out of it.

Stay tuned for more funny...
