Monday, July 27, 2015

Life is fun... Life is stressful..

So I am easily caught up in a whirl wind of excitement. I often see the small picture that looks good in retrospect vs. the whole picture and everything I am going to need to do to achieve my dreams or goals.

Kind of like the time I was like OMGosh I need to get married because I am 8 months pregnant and I will just redo the wedding in a year and everyone will come and it is this lavish wedding. Fast forward 3 years and that has still yet to be on the top of priorities... Strange how life plays out. Do not get me wrong I still plan on having a "big wedding" but it wont be lavish. The invitation might read something like, Pot Luck Wedding", "BYOB", and "Free Water for EVERYONE."
*Mostly joking*

Now as I move forward in my "adult" life I have learned a thing or two... Like yeah I love that SUV but do I really need it? You know because I haul horses and kids around all day, NOT.
Not to mention that if something breaks I am buying Mopar parts...
 Hm, yes  I'll take a Mercedes in my Jeep, please. 
It is kind of like going to Burger King and asking for a big mac. For people who are unfamiliar with the car its self. 

I really do like my Jeep though. Don't get me wrong, I just wish I had done a little more research and been a little bit more economically friendly to my budget because I have learned I really do not mind that 8 year old Honda. <3

In fact we just had to buy my husband a "new to us" car. Our old Honda had been ridden to its last give. In fact I am shocked that they took it as a trade in... It was literally about to blow up, you would have seen my husband on the 5 o'clock news with the news anchors talking about "Man that Arizona heat really takes a hit on your vehicles." Not knowing that it had well over 200,000 miles on it, and its last tire turns where about 10,000 mikes ago. No joke, thank God and his good graces! I do not know what we would have done if it had blown up.

I know I am not the only one, but I hope laughing at my life is a little easier for you.
I know I got a kick out of it.

Stay tuned for more funny...


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