Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Life is an adventure: Things they dont prepare you for.. Mom style

They day i turned 23 is the day I got pregnant! Yeppers, on my birthday. One heck of a birthday gift from my then boyfriend, now hubby.

If you read my first blog post on " Life is an adventure, come take a walk with me." you would know that I got married at 8 months pregnant. Something you might not know is that two things stand out from that day... 

1. I forgot to invite my brother Mike and his wife Linda, who was due that month...
We got married May 6th and they had their little girl two weeks later.
Yeah that conversation went something like this.
Mom "Jamie where is your brother?"
Jamie "Yummm, yeah let me call him."

Jamie, " Hey Mickey, whacha doing?"
Mike, "Nothing sitting at home, whats up?"
Jamie, "So I am getting married."
Mike, "Thats great, when?"
Jamie, " As soon as you can get here."
Mike, "Well let me get Linda."

Mind you, Linda was at her, I am going to get my first massage ever before I go into labor.

Yes, they made it.

2. There was sweat dripping off my butt.

I am always cold. It is 100 degrees out side right now and I am curled up with a hiding from the AC, that my husband HAS to have on... 

They DO NOT prepare you for HOW hot you are always going to feel being pregers. 
They DO NOT prepare you for how things can go wrong in the delivery room. I was in labor for 36 hours and had to have an emergency c-section. I was devastated and my birthing plan went out the window. 
They DO NOT prepare you for things like the BABY (aka tiny noise maker) is going to POOP on you or how it will be the first time you've been out of the house since tiny noise maker came along.

They tell you, but they do not prepare you for what joy and love you will experience with your baby.

What is your mommy OMGosh they didnt prepare me for this moment?

Stay tuned for more funny...


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